5 Most Popular Types Of Wine In The US: The Complete List

Author: Shubhankar Sen on Aug 04,2022


In the U.S., wine is more than just a drink. It's an obsession. According to VinePair, there are now more than 3,000 wineries in America, producing around 20 million cases of wine each year. The popularity of wine has continued to grow in the 21st century. Wine Access reported that sales of wines from new world countries increased by 1.6% between 2015 and 2016 alone. If you love all things wine as much as we do, this article is for you! Here we'll cover the top 5 most popular types of wine in the US. 


America Loves Wines

First, let's talk about the popularity of wines in the U.S.! The fact is that Americans consume more wine than any other country in the world. The US is the world's largest wine consumer, beating out France and Italy by a long shot. So, how much wine does the average American drink each year? The average American drinks 3 gallons of wine per year, about 12 bottles (750 ml per bottle). That's a lot of wine! As you can imagine, this significantly affects the wine market in the country. Not only do wineries in the U.S. produce around 20 million cases a year, but Americans also import 24 million cases of wine from countries like Chile, Argentina, Australia, France, and Italy.


Consumption of Wine in The U.S.

Now that we've covered the sheer popularity of wine in the U.S., let's look at the wines people drink the most! According to data from the International Vineyard, these are the five most popular types of wine in the U.S.:

  •  Red Table Wines - These wines are often made from grapes like Cabernet Sauvignon, Merlot, and Pinot Noir. They are usually bolder and higher in alcohol content than white table wines. 
  • White Table Wines - These wines are made from grapes like Chardonnay, Pinot Grigio, and Sauvignon Blanc. They are often much lighter than red table wines and have a higher acidity.
  •  Rosé - This pink-colored wine is made from grapes like Grenache, Shiraz, and Zinfandel. It's an excellent option for summertime drinking! 
  • Spritzer - This is a combination of wine and soda water. It is often made from white table wines. 
  • Fortified Wines - Wines that are fortified are made with brandy to add sweetness and alcohol content. Types include Port, Sherry, and Madeira.


How to Enjoy a Good Wine

When trying to find the perfect wine to enjoy, remember a few things:

  1. You'll want to consider what kind of wine you want to drink. Are you in the mood for a red or white table wine?
  2. You'll want to consider how you plan to drink your wine. Will you drink it with food or on its own? You'll want to consider the different pairings if you're drinking wine with food.
  3. You'll want to consider where you're drinking your wine.

Do you want to drink it at home with friends or at a restaurant? Knowing where you want to enjoy your wine will help you pick a perfect bottle for the occasion!


The Most Popular Types of Wine in the U.S.


Now that you know more about the most popular types of wine in the U.S., let's take a look at one of those types in more depth. We'll start with Merlot. Merlot is one of the most popular red table wines in the U.S. and worldwide. It's a blend of grapes usually made in Bordeaux, France. Merlot grapes are dark in color, and the wine they create is often described as full-bodied and rich. It's a perfect wine for the fall and winter months! Because Merlot grapes have a high tannin level, the resulting wine is also high in acidity. This makes it an excellent wine for pairing with foods. It pairs well with everything from steak to pasta. Merlot is also a very affordable wine, making it a perfect choice for beginners.



Now let's talk about another famous white table wine. Chardonnay grapes are responsible for making delicious Chardonnay wines. Chardonnay is often produced in France, California, and Australia. The wine is a light, crisp white often described as having citrus or vanilla flavor. It pairs well with various foods, such as seafood and salad. Its delicate taste makes it the perfect wine to enjoy on a warm day. If you're looking for a white table wine with a higher level of sweetness, you might want to try a Viognier. And if you're looking for something a little bolder, you might want to try a Sauvignon Blanc. All 3 of these white table wines are very popular, so you're bound to find something you love!


Pinot Noir

Next, we have Pinot Noir, another trendy red table wine. Pinot Noir is produced from a grape native to France and Italy. The grapes are red and make a very light-to-medium red wine. One of the most popular types of Pinot Noir is Burgundy. Burgundy is a wine that is often aged for two years before being released. It is a costly wine. If you're looking for a less expensive alternative, you might want to try a California Pinot Noir. California Pinot Noir is a light-to-medium red wine that is very popular in the U.S. While Burgundy can be very expensive, California Pinot Noir is much more affordable. If you want a bolder red table wine, you might want to try a Cabernet Sauvignon.


Cabernet Sauvignon

Next, we'll talk about the most popular type of red table wine. Cabernet Sauvignon is a bold, full-bodied red table wine often made in California and France. It's described as having a strong, blackcurrant flavor. Cabernet Sauvignon is an expensive wine, but it is usually a good choice if you're looking for a bold red table wine for special occasions. If you're looking for a less expensive but bold red table wine, you might want to try a Shiraz. Shiraz is also a full-bodied red table wine, but it is often much less expensive than Cabernet Sauvignon.



Rosé is a pink-colored wine made from Grenache, Shiraz, or Zinfandel grapes. Rosé is often made during the same harvest as white table wines but is left in the sun for a shorter period to create its pink color. It is a very light, refreshing wine that is perfect for warm weather. Rosé is often less expensive than other wines, making it an excellent option for those just drinking wine. If you want a bolder, more full-bodied pink wine, you might want to try a pink Cabernet Sauvignon. And if you want a white table wine with a pink color, you might want to try a pink Pinot Noir. These wine types will give you pink wine with a bolder flavor.



A spritzer is a combination of wine and soda water. It is made from white table wine and sparkling water. A spritzer is a great choice if you're not sure what type of wine you want to drink. You can pick a white or red table wine and experiment with different soda waters until you find something you love! A spritzer is a very light and refreshing drink that is perfect for warm weather.


Fortified Wines

Lastly, we have fortified wines. Fortified wines are made with brandy to add sweetness and alcohol content. Types of fortified wines include Port, Sherry, and Madeira. These wines are often meant to be enjoyed individually or with dessert. Regulations for fortified wines typically cover the acceptable ABV (alcohol by volume) range, age minimums, styles, kind of base wine, type of spirit that can be added and how, amount of sugar on a scale from dry to sweet, and other factors. Although fortified wines can be produced anywhere, regulations for particular geographical areas frequently apply to a specific category.



The wine industry is booming, with sales reaching a value of $24 billion in the U.S. alone. This has led to an increase in the popularity of wines among consumers, with new brands launching every day and various unique flavors hitting the shelves. However, knowing which wines suit your taste preferences and drinking habits can be tricky. 

Whether you prefer red, white, or chardonnay, there's a type of wine that suits your pallet. Start with the ones mentioned above to make things easier so that you can choose the perfect one for you next time you visit your local bottle shop or grocery store. Follow PointWines.com for more informative articles on luxury wines. 

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